

On the morning of June 23rd, 2024, at Gia Dinh Stadium, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Central Construction Joint Stock Company held the Opening Ceremony of Central Sports Day 2024 to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the company’s establishment (23/06/2017 – 23/06/2024).

Central Board of Directors and Partners perform the ceremony of cutting the birthday cake to celebrate the event

This year’s Sports Festival not only attracts the company’s employees to compete in 6 sports: Football, Tug of War, One-cushion & Three-cushion Carom Billiards, Chinese Chess, Running 5,000m & 10,000m, Men’s 100m Swimming, but also has the companionship and participation of 8 Partners:

  • Cat Tuong Corporation
  • Bumatech Co., Ltd.
  • Saigon Construction Corporation (SCC)
  • Sen Interior Decoration JSC (Sendecor)
  • Sunspace Doors Joint Stock Company
  • Van Xuan Real Estate Group
  • Kova Paint Group
  • Vertical Studio Construction Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Central Board of Directors presents flowers and souvenir flags to thank partners

The Sports Festival has become an annual activity of the company; is a spiritual and cultural activity, a healthy and useful playground to improve the spirit of physical training and sports and improve health. And more importantly, to strengthen the solidarity between Departments/Departments/Projects, and at the same time extend this spirit to the Partners who have accompanied Central during the past time.

View of the Opening Ceremony of the Central Sports Festival 2024

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of Central’s Board of Directors, CEO Tran Quang Tuan said: “Thank you to more than 400 athletes and supporters of Central and Partners for gathering on this festival. This shows that our spirit of physical training and sports is very enthusiastic, doing our best to play hard. And through this, I also have a few messages to the athletes participating in the competition to promote the spirit of solidarity, compete honestly, show a noble spirit, create cultural beauty in sports, and dedicate to the audience exciting competitions.”

Mr. Tran Quang Tuan – CEO  of Central spoke

Representing the partners participating in the Central Sports Festival 2024 season, Mr. Dam Xuan Phu – Deputy Director of Bumatech Co., Ltd. shared: “We are very honored to receive an invitation to participate in this year’s sports festival from your company. The Sports Festival not only aims to maintain health improvement but also is an opportunity to promote the spirit of solidarity, exchange and strengthen sustainable cooperation between the parties. I wish all the teams participating in the fair play, dedicate themselves and wish our Sports Festival a great success.”

Mr. Dam Xuan Phu – Deputy Director of Bumatech Co., Ltd. Spoke

Immediately after the whistle of the referee team sounded, all athletes and fans gathered in the playing field area of all disciplines to compete and cheer for the home team.

Some pictures in the program:

Beautiful football scenes of Central’s and Partners’ players
Departments/Projects competing in Tug of War
Athletes of the Men’s 100m Swimming at Yet Kieu Swimming Pool
On the afternoon of June 22nd, 2024, the Chinese Chess took place at the Central Office
Athletes competing in One-cushion & Three-cushion Carom Billiards

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